A recent article on desantisbreindel.com by Dru DeSantis,co-founder of DeSantis Breindel,  looks at how words and images work together to increase visual identity.

Humans have always responded viscerally to visual communication, from the earliest cave paintings to Instagram. But there’s evidence that visual learning is actually more effective than written language, especially in how it’s retained.
Recent research at MIT has revealed a much greater ability for visual recall than previously thought. Which isn’t surprising when you consider that our brain is mainly an image processor, not a word processor — most of our sensory cortex is devoted to vision.

“Visual aids in a classroom have been found to
improve learning by up to 400 percent”

‘But if you really want your audience to remember what you tell them, show them images and provide verbal support. In “Visual Impact, Visual Teaching,” Timothy Gangwer notes that visual aids in a classroom have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent. The “dual-coding” theory of cognition postulates that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind and that are both used when recalling information. Triggering both pathways in an audience increases the chances your content will be memorable.

Putting Visual Learning Into Practice

Many of us already have experience with the power of visual learning: the proliferation of infographics. There’s nothing like a bar graph or pie chart to bring dry statistics to life. But the stickiness of information is strongest when the visuals are simple and straightforward. Here are five ways to improve impact of your brand’s visual identity.

  • One image, one message.
  • Make sure the visual and the intent are in sync.
  • Simple is better.
  • Repetition = recall.
  • Don’t be afraid to be memorable.

Read the full article and learn the how and why to put these 5 steps into action at  desantisbreindel.com
DeSantis Breindel is the leading B2B branding and marketing agency in NYC. We are strategists, writers, designers, marketers, filmmakers, programmers, and experience makers. United by a shared passion, we work with our clients at critical inflection points to engage customers, influence prospects, rally employees and inspire investors.