RGB, CMYK, PMS – What’s the difference?Precise Continental2015-08-19T07:00:48+00:00Categories: 4-Color Offset, How to, Ink, Printing 101, Spot Colors|Tags: cmyk, PMS, precise contiental, printing 101, rgb|
RGB, CMYK, PMS – What's the difference?Sheila Donnelly2015-08-19T07:00:48+00:00Categories: 4-Color Offset, How to, Ink, Printing 101, Spot Colors|Tags: cmyk, PMS, precise contiental, printing 101, rgb|
A look back at before there was PhotoshopSheila Donnelly2015-08-12T07:00:49+00:00Categories: Branding & Design, How to, Videos|Tags: design, precise continental|
Free 27 Page Type Classification eBookSheila Donnelly2015-06-24T07:00:48+00:00Categories: Design Resources, How to, Typography|Tags: designers, how to, typography|
Paperspecs.com glossary for all that is printSheila Donnelly2015-06-19T07:00:37+00:00Categories: Design Resources, How to, Printing 101|Tags: designers resource, how to, printing 101|
Mohawk Paper Releases Education Tools for New DesignersSheila Donnelly2015-06-12T07:00:07+00:00Categories: Design Resources, How to, Paper|Tags: designer, how to, learn, mohawk, paper|