A recent article on looks at going beyond fonts and colors with your literature system.
As a company grows, its communication needs become more intricate. There’s the sales team, which needs a variety of sell sheets, updatable on the fly yet coordinated and professional looking. Human Resources plans to develop a recruitment packet for college job fairs. Customer Support needs product literature with detailed specs featuring lots of tables and graphs, and so on. A literature system can be defined as the coordinated system of templates and guidelines used for creating a range of marketing collateral such as brochures, fact sheets, newsletters and e-communications within a defined, integrated brand language. This system can help support everyone’s communications goals.
Whether your company has outgrown its existing system, wants to revamp to support a new brand, or needs to build something fresh from the ground up, developing a literature system is a complex undertaking. First though, it’s important to understand what kind of system you need and how to create one that works for your company. Here are seven steps to help you get started:

  • Decide on the basics
  • Conduct an effective audit
  • Determine the scope of the system
  • Develop the system and guidelines
  • Put your system online
  • Launch it loudly
  • Support it seriously

A comprehensive literature system is a large venture, but if you plan well, involve key stakeholders, and support it post-launch, it will become a valuable tool to support the larger communications goals of your company.
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